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Coastal Science & Policy Program
Department Web Site831-459-2705
Ocean Health Building, 115 McAllister Way, Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Long Marine Lab
Department Contact
Sarah Eminhizer
Director of Programs and Workforce Development, Climate Resilience and Coastal Science and Policy
15 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Mark H Carr | 831-246-3524 | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department | Professor | Faculty | Long Marine Lab | Carr Mark |
Michael W Beck | 831-345-0175 | Institute of Marine Sciences | Director, Center for Coastal Climate Resilience & AXA Chair in Coastal Resilience | Faculty | Long Marine Lab | Beck Michael |
Carrie Pomeroy | 831-359-6670 | Institute of Marine Sciences | Research Social Scientist | Faculty | Long Marine Lab | Pomeroy Carrie |
Borja Gonzalez Reguero | 831-459-1459 | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Associate Professor (provision) | Faculty | Long Marine Lab | Gonzalez Reguero Borja |
Elena Marie Finkbeiner | 925 528 9050 | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Assistant Adjunct Faculty | Faculty | Long Marine Lab | Finkbeiner Elena |
Sarah Eminhizer | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Director of Programs and Workforce Development, Climate Resilience and Coastal Science and Policy | Staff | Long Marine Lab | Eminhizer Sarah |
Galina B Hale | Economics Department | Professor | Faculty | Economics Department | Hale Galina |
Chamonix Beau Toledo | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Graduate Student | Graduate | Long Marine Lab | Toledo Chamonix |
April Danielle Ridlon | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Assistant Adjunct Professor | Faculty | CBB/EE Biology | Ridlon April |
Yuwei Shi | 408-480-5182 | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Visiting Professor | Faculty | No Mailstop | Shi Yuwei |
Erika Gutierrez | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Graduate Student | Graduate | Long Marine Lab | Gutierrez Erika |
Temiloluwa Jesutofunmi Akinyemi | 8312918817 | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Miss | Graduate | No Mailstop | Akinyemi Temiloluwa |
Jennifer-Justine Kirsch | Coastal Science & Policy Program | NONE | Graduate | Science and Engineering Library | Kirsch Jennifer-Justine |
Holly Jane Rindge | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Program Coordinator | Staff | Long Marine Lab | Rindge Holly |
Sidney Opiyo | (831) 295-9814 | Coastal Science & Policy Program | Master's Candidate | Graduate | Long Marine Lab | Opiyo Sidney |
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