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77 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Mircea Teodorescu | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Associate Professor | Faculty | SOE3 | Teodorescu Mircea |
Angie Hinrichs | Genomics Institute | Bioinformatics Programmer 5 | Staff | Genomics Institute | Hinrichs Angie |
Brian J Raney | 831-459-1424 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Software Developer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Raney Brian |
Abraham Chavez | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Jr. Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Chavez Abraham |
Tiffany Brooke Natali | (831) 459-5455 | Genomics Institute | HR Generalist | Staff | Engineering | Natali Tiffany |
Joshua M Stuart | 831-459-1344 | Biomolecular Engineering | Professor | Faculty | SOE2 | Stuart Joshua |
Benedict John Paten | 831-459-5232 | Biomolecular Engineering | Professor | Faculty | Genomics Institute | Paten Benedict |
Melissa S Cline | Genomics Institute | Associate Research Scientist | Staff | Genomics Institute | Cline Melissa |
David Haussler | 831-459-2105 | Biomolecular Engineering | Distinguished Professor | Faculty | Genomics Institute | Haussler David |
Jairo Navarro Gonzalez | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Quality and User Support Analyst | Staff | Genomics Institute | Navarro Gonzalez Jairo |
Beth Alison Shapiro | 831-459-3003 (Office) | Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department | Professor | Faculty | CBB/EE Biology | Shapiro Beth |
Adam M Novak | 000-000-0000 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Novak Adam |
Galt P Barber | 831-429-1691 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Software Developer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Barber Galt |
Nadine Carol Gassner | Genomics Institute | Director of Research Development, Genomics Institute | Staff | Genomics Institute | Gassner Nadine |
Christopher Mark Lee | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Lee Christopher |
Erich C Weiler | 831-459-2801 | Genomics Institute | Genomics System Architect | Staff | Genomics Institute | Weiler Erich |
Hiram M Clawson | 831-325-9480 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Software Developer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Clawson Hiram |
Christopher Kin-Bong Wong | 831-459-1024 | Genomics Institute | Programmer, UCSC Pathway Browser | Staff | Genomics Institute | Wong Christopher |
Jorge J Garcia | 831-459-3984 | Genomics Institute | Systems Administration Supervisor | Staff | Genomics Institute | Garcia Jorge |
Mark E Diekhans | 831-429-6045 | Genomics Institute | Technical Director | Staff | Genomics Institute | Diekhans Mark |
Brian Andrew Craft | 831-453-1477 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Craft Brian |
Mary Josephine Goldman | 000-000-0000 | Genomics Institute | Design and Usability Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Goldman Mary |
Solomon J Katzman | 831-459-1474 | Genomics Institute | High-Throughput Sequencing Analyst | Staff | Genomics Institute | Katzman Solomon |
Richard Green | 831-502-7394 | Biomolecular Engineering | Professor | Faculty | SOE2 | Green Richard |
Jeremy R Sanford | 831-459-1822 | Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department | Professor | Faculty | MCD Biology | Sanford Jeremy |
Jingchun Zhu | 831-459-5232 | Genomics Institute | Research Associate | Staff | Genomics Institute | Zhu Jingchun |
Lynn M Brazil | Genomics Institute | Executive Assistant to David Haussler | Staff | Genomics Institute | Brazil Lynn |
Brian Tracy Lee | 831-459-1477 | Genomics Institute | Data Informatics | Staff | Genomics Institute | Lee Brian |
Clayton Michael Fischer | 831-459-1424 | Genomics Institute | Senior Project Manager & Engineering Manager, Genome Browser | Staff | Genomics Institute | Fischer Clayton |
Jonathan B Casper | 831-428-1849 (Cell) | Genomics Institute | Software Engineer | Graduate | Genomics Institute | Casper Jonathan |
Ash O'Farrell | Genomics Institute | Bioinformatics Systems Analyst | Staff | Genomics Institute | O'Farrell Ash |
Noa Aviel Dove | 707-933-6855 | Genomics Institute | Jr. Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Dove Noa |
Lon J Blauvelt | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Blauvelt Lon |
Kristof Janos Tigyi | 831-459-1014 | Genomics Institute | Staff Research Associate | Staff | Genomics Institute | Tigyi Kristof |
Sofie Reda Salama | (831) 459-2814 | Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department | Acting Professor of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology | Faculty | Genomics Institute | Salama Sofie |
Angela N Brooks | 831-502-7275 | Biomolecular Engineering | Professor | Faculty | SOE2 | Brooks Angela |
Maximilian Haeussler | (831) 295-0653 | Genomics Institute | Associate Research Scientist | Staff | Genomics Institute | Haeussler Maximilian |
Jordan Michael Eizenga | 831-459-1477 | Genomics Institute | Postdoctoral Scholar | Contractor | Genomics Institute | Eizenga Jordan |
Ellen Towle Kephart | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Kephart Ellen |
Daniel Kim | 831-459-5484 | Biomolecular Engineering | Assistant Professor | Faculty | SOE2 | Kim Daniel |
David Charles Steinberg | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Software Engineer | Contractor | Genomics Institute | Steinberg David |
Hannes Schmidt | 206-696-2316 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Schmidt Hannes |
Yohei M Rosen | Biomolecular Engineering | PhD Candidate | Staff | Engineering | Rosen Yohei |
Melaina Elisha Legaspi | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Scrum Master | Staff | Genomics Institute | Legaspi Melaina |
Olena Morozova Vaske | 831-459-2856 | Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department | Assistant Professor | Faculty | MCD Biology | Vaske Olena |
Joshua Matthew Vecchione Gardner | Genomics Institute | Nanopore Production Specialist | Staff | Engineering | Gardner Joshua |
William Gordan Sullivan | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Data Wrangler | Staff | Genomics Institute | Sullivan William |
Jouni L Siren | 000-000-0000 | Genomics Institute | Associate Researcher | Staff | Genomics Institute | Siren Jouni |
Luis R Nassar | 3052059160 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Quality and User Support Analyst | Staff | Genomics Institute | Nassar Luis |
Jean Monlong | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Postdoctoral Scholar | Contractor | Genomics Institute | Monlong Jean |
Daniel Alexander Sotirhos | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Software Engineer | Staff | Genomics Institute | Sotirhos Daniel |
Nneka Olunwa | 999-999-9999 | Genomics Institute | Security Compliance Analyst | Staff | Genomics Institute | Olunwa Nneka |
Greta Joy Martin | Genomics Institute | Senior Grants Management Specialist | Staff | Genomics Institute | Martin Greta |
Rose Genevieve Miyatsu | 818-314-6996 | Genomics Institute | Director of Communications, Genomics Institute | Staff | Genomics Institute | Miyatsu Rose |
Labris Marie Willendorf | 8314594099 | Genomics Institute | Assistant Program Manager | Staff | SOE3 | Willendorf Labris |
Kimberley Rose Czupil | (831) 295-8172 | Genomics Institute | Administrative Coordinator | Staff | Genomics Institute | Czupil Kimberley |
Gerardo Perez | 8312293089 | Genomics Institute | Quality and User Support Analyst | Staff | Genomics Institute | Perez Gerardo |
Jess Sevetson | (831) 459-1477 | Genomics Institute | Postdoctoral Scholar | Staff | Genomics Institute | Sevetson Jess |
Brittney Dalleen Wick | (831) 459-1477 | Genomics Institute | Data Wrangler | Staff | Genomics Institute | Wick Brittney |
Ben Vizzier | 831-535-9944 | Genomics Institute | Program Manager | Staff | Genomics Institute | Vizzier Ben |
Mohammed Andres Mostajo Radji | 831-459-1477 | Genomics Institute | Assistant Research Scientist | Staff | Genomics Institute | Mostajo Radji Mohammed |
Vanessa D Jonsson | 831-502-1000 | Biomolecular Engineering | Assistant Professor | Faculty | Engineering | Jonsson Vanessa |
Marc David Perry | 416-466-0305 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Bioinformatician | Staff | Genomics Institute | Perry Marc |
Linda Knipe | 8313456472 | Genomics Institute | Financial Services Specialist | Staff | Genomics Institute | Knipe Linda |
Robert Eldredge Currie | 650-646-2048 | Genomics Institute | CTO | Staff | Genomics Institute | Currie Robert |
Mojtaba Zeraatkar | Genomics Institute | Postdoctoral Fellow | Staff | Genomics Institute | Zeraatkar Mojtaba |
Alondra Figueroa Olivo | 8317067755 | Genomics Institute | Administrative coordinator for Pathogen Genomics | Staff | WRP Facilities | Figueroa Olivo Alondra |
Ann Mc Cartney | Genomics Institute | Postdoctoral Scholar | Staff | Genomics Institute | Mc Cartney Ann |
Ivo Caldwell Violich | Genomics Institute | Assistant Director, Computational Platforms | Staff | Genomics Institute | Violich Ivo |
Sahib Singh Ajmani | Genomics Institute | Undergraduate | Ajmani Sahib |
Maryam Moarefian | Genomics Institute | NIH IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellow | Staff | Genomics Institute | Moarefian Maryam |
Lauren M Linton | 7812546290 | Genomics Institute | Executive Director | Staff | Genomics Institute | Linton Lauren |
Chrissy Camblin | Genomics Institute | Grants Management Specialist | Staff | Genomics Institute | Camblin Chrissy |
Matthew Lucius Speir | 7073860631 | Genomics Institute | Sr. Quality and User Support Analyst | Contractor | Genomics Institute | Speir Matthew |
Marina Ramon | 8314591544 | Genomics Institute | Director, Genomics Institute Office of Diversity | Staff | Genomics Institute | Ramon Marina |
Johannes Birgmeier | Genomics Institute | PhD | Contractor | Genomics Institute | Birgmeier Johannes |
William James Kent | 831-459-1401 | Genomics Institute | Director, UCSC Genome Browser Project | Contractor | Genomics Institute | Kent William |
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