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Stevenson College
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Stevenson College
30 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Phillip L Hammack | 831-459-1050 | Psychology Department | Professor | Faculty | Psychology Faculty Services | Hammack Phillip |
Marilyn J Westerkamp | 831-459-3427 (office) | History Department | Professor | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Westerkamp Marilyn |
Edward H Kehler | 831-459-2437 (Office) | Stevenson College | Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Kehler Edward |
Matt O'Hara | 831-459-5199 (office) | Stevenson College | Provost, Stevenson College | Faculty | Humanities Academic Services | O'Hara Matt |
Brenda Samantha Sanfilippo | 831-459-2253 | Writing Program | Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Stevenson College | Sanfilippo Brenda |
Kiva Silver | Stevenson College | Senior Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Silver Kiva |
Marie M Yoo | 831-459-5262 | Stevenson College | Academic Preceptor | Staff | Stevenson College | Yoo Marie |
Caren E Camblin | 8315551234 | Stevenson College | Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Camblin Caren |
Gustavo Nolazco | (831) 459-2660 | Stevenson College | Assistant to Senior Director, College Student Life | Staff | Stevenson College | Nolazco Gustavo |
Brij D Lunine | 831-459-2555 (office) | Writing Program | Continuing Lecturer in Writing | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Lunine Brij |
Alice Yang | 831-459-2328 | History Department | Chair and Professor, History Department | Faculty | Humanities Academic Services | Yang Alice |
Gabriela E Alaniz | 831-459-5688 | Cowell College | Office Coordinator for Cowell & Stevenson Colleges Residential Life and Housing Office | Staff | Cowell College | Alaniz Gabriela |
Judy Nguyen | 8314592588 | Stevenson College | Academic Advisor | Staff | Stevenson College | Nguyen Judy |
Mary Kathleen Montgomery | 831-459-1026 | Stevenson College | College Academic Manager | Staff | Stevenson College | Montgomery Mary |
Geoffrey Childers | 831-459-2437 | Stevenson College | Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Childers Geoffrey |
Jessica Samuels | (831) 459-4930 | Stevenson College | Lecturer | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Samuels Jessica |
Kimberly Adilia Helmer | 831-459-4686 (Office) | Writing Program | Teaching Professor (Senate Faculty) | Faculty | Stevenson College | Helmer Kimberly |
Stacey Allene Faulk | 831-459-5072 | Stevenson College | Coordinator of Residence Education | Staff | Stevenson College | Faulk Stacey |
Sandra Ramirez | (831) 459-4474 | Stevenson College | College Academic Advisor | Staff | Stevenson College | Ramirez Sandra |
Zeb Rifaqat | (831) 459-1026 (Office) | Stevenson College | Lecturer | Faculty | Stevenson Academic Services | Rifaqat Zeb |
Anne Freiwald | 831-359-3356 | Stevenson College | ACPC | Faculty | Stevenson College | Freiwald Anne |
Eva Grace Moore | Stevenson College | Undergraduate | Moore Eva |
LeAnna Willis | (831) 459-3599 | Student Affairs and Success Division | Associate Director of College Student Life | Staff | Cowell College | Willis LeAnna |
Ramon Ayala | (831) 459-1289 | Colleges, Housing & Educational Services (CHES) | Coordinator for Residential Education | Staff | Cowell College | Ayala Ramon |
Christina Audas | 831-459-3108 | Stevenson College | College Programs Coordinator | Staff | Stevenson College | Audas Christina |
Elizabeth Cancino-Perez | 831-459-2020 | Stevenson College | Stevenson College Assistant | Staff | Stevenson College | Cancino-Perez Elizabeth |
Santos Santos | 8314591836 | Cowell College | Assistant Director for Residential Education | Staff | Cowell College | Santos Santos |
Mason David Joyner Seaberg | Stevenson College | Undergraduate | Seaberg Mason |
Surya Pugazhenthi | Stevenson College | Undergraduate | Pugazhenthi Surya |
Lex Sherlyn Garcia | Stevenson College | Undergraduate | Garcia Lex |
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