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Rebecca A London
Professor of Sociology and Faculty Director Campus + Community
she, her, her, hers, herself
Social Sciences Division
Sociology Department
Professor of Sociology and Faculty Director Campus + Community
Institute for Social Transformation
Education Department
Regular Faculty
Schools and Academic Achievement
Community-based Research
Health and Wellness
School Reform and School Policy
Youth Studies
Rachel Carson College Academic Building
Fall OH Weds 1:30-3:30, sign up at
Rachel Carson College Faculty Services
Ph.D. Human Development and Social Policy, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University, 1996
M.A. Economics, Northwestern University, 1994
Research interests include: education; children, youth and families; social policy; health and well-being; social inequality; cross-sector analyses; community-engaged research; quantitative methods; mixed methods
SOCY 3A Evaluation of Evidence
SOCY 148 Educational Inequality
SOCY 141 Social Welfare
SOCY 196S Senior Seminar: Community-Engaged Research
SOCY 203 Research Methods
SOCY 250 Grantwriting seminar
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