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Results for Science Education. 8 records matched your search request.

Gregory S Gilbert

Gregory S Gilbert

Professor, Agronomist, Agriculture Experiment Station, Director of UCSC Forest Ecology Research Plot

Environmental Studies Department

Areas of expertise: Ecology, Evolution, Science Education, Natural History, Tropical Forest

Biography, Education and Training

Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá (1991-95) Ph.D. in Plant Pathology (Soil Science minor), University of Wisconsin-Madison,(1991, with Jo Handelsman and Jennifer Parke) Tropical Ecosystems Course, Organization for Tropical Studies, Costa Rica (1989) M.Sc. in Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1988,with Jennifer Parke) B.S. in Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (1985) SeaMester Program ... more »

Robin C Dunkin

Robin C Dunkin

Associate Teaching Professor, Faculty Director | Teaching and Learning Center, Director of Marine Mammal Stranding Program

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department

Areas of expertise: Biology, Science Education

Michael Saul Isaacson

Michael Saul Isaacson

Narinder Singh Kapany Professor Emeritus

Baskin School of Engineering

Press Contact

Mike Isaacson

Narinder Singh Kapany Prof. Emeritus


Areas of expertise: Electrical Engineering, Energy, Science Education, Optics, Sustainability, Bioengineering, Material Science

Biography, Education and Training

Michael Isaacson is the Narinder Singh Kapany Professor emeritus, professor of electrical engineering. He was Director of the Center for Sustainable Energy and Power Systems (CenSEPS) at UCSC and Acting Dean of the Baskin School of Engineering at UCSC from 2006 to 2009. He is recipient of numerous awards including a Hertz Foundation Fellowship, a Sloan Foundation Faculty Fellowship, the Burton Medal from the Microscopy Society of America, an Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award, the R... more »

Press Contact

Areas of expertise: Learning Sciences, Science Education, Teacher Education, Education

Biography, Education and Training

Dr. Ash was awarded the Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in science education in 1995, after working for many years with Ann Brown and Joseph Campione in the Fostering a Community of Learners (FCL) classroom project. She is a biologist, and has been a science teacher for many years at elementary, high school, Junior College and University levels. She has been at UCSC since 2000. She was science educator at the Exploratorium for five years, working at the Institute for Inquiry. ... more »

Areas of expertise: Computer Science, Game Studies, Science Education, Software Engineering

Biography, Education and Training

Ph.D. Computer Science, University of California, San Diego M.S. Computer Science, University of California, San Diego B.A. Mathematics, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts

Emily V Reigh

Emily V Reigh

Assistant Professor of Science Education

Education Department

Areas of expertise: Science Education, Bilingualism, Multilingualism

Biography, Education and Training

Postdoctoral Fellow, Writing Data Stories, University of California, Berkeley Postdoctoral Researcher, Science in the City Lab, Stanford University Ph.D., Science Education, Race, Inequality and Language in Education, Stanford University M.A., Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, The American University in Cairo, Egypt B.S., Chemistry, University of Oklahoma B.A., Letters, University of Oklahoma

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