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Results for Evolution. 17 records matched your search request.
Areas of expertise: Ecology, Evolution, Science Education, Natural History, Tropical Forest
Biography, Education and Training
Postdoctoral Fellow, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá (1991-95) Ph.D. in Plant Pathology (Soil Science minor), University of Wisconsin-Madison,(1991, with Jo Handelsman and Jennifer Parke) Tropical Ecosystems Course, Organization for Tropical Studies, Costa Rica (1989) M.Sc. in Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1988,with Jennifer Parke) B.S. in Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (1985) SeaMester Program ... more »
Areas of expertise: Ecology, Plant Biology, Conservation, Land Management, Evolution, Population Biology
Biography, Education and Training
A.B., University of Chicago Ph.D., University of Washington Miller Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley Research Associate, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama
Areas of expertise: Mathematical Modeling, Ecology, Evolution, Fisheries
Biography, Education and Training
Mathematical biology and evolutionary ecology with applications to climate resilience and natural resource management. Areas of expertise include nolinear dynamics, chaos, and statistical modeling, contemporary evolution, and transgenerational plasticity.
Professor, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department, Genomics InstituteAreas of expertise: Ancient DNA, Genomics, Ecology, Molecular Evolution, Evolution
Biography, Education and Training
BS, Ecology, University of Georgia (1999) MS, Ecology, University of Georgia (1999) DPhil, Zoology, Oxford University (2003)
Areas of expertise: Capitalism, Economics, Experimental Economics, Evolution, Game Theory, Mathematical Modeling, Finance
Biography, Education and Training
please see personal web page.
Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Director, Fisheries Collaborative Program
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department, IMS-Fisheries Collaborative Program, Office of ResearchAreas of expertise: Biology, Climate Change, Coastal Science, Conservation, Ecology, Endangered Species, Evolution, Fisheries, Genetics, Water
Biography, Education and Training
B.S. University of Michigan Ph.D. Yale University
Areas of expertise: Evolution, Plant Sciences, Ecology, Plant Biology, Tropical Forest
Biography, Education and Training
B.S., UC Davis Ph.D., Michigan State University National Parks Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Santa Barbara and UC Berkeley
Areas of expertise: Ecology, Evolution, Statistics
Biography, Education and Training
B.A., Northern Arizona University Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara Post-Doc: University of California, Santa Barbara
Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, Associate Director of the UCSC Genomics Institute
Anthropology DepartmentAreas of expertise: Ancient DNA, Archaeology, Human Biology, Population Biology, Molecular Evolution, Ecology, Anthropology, Evolution
Biography, Education and Training
MA in Biological Anthropology (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) and in Archaeology, University of Goettingen, Germany PhD (Dr. rer. nat) in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Goettingen, Germany PostDoc in Anthropology & EEB, Yale University, USA
Associate Vice Provost, Full Professor
Academic Affairs, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department, Institute of Marine SciencesAreas of expertise: Animal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology, Sexism and Gender Bias, Fisheries, Evolution, Game Theory, Marine Biology, Mathematical Modeling
Biography, Education and Training
Full Professor, Univ. Calif. Santa Cruz (2014-present) Associate Professor with tenure, Yale (2012-2104) Associate Professor on term, Yale University (2010-2011) Assistant Professor, Yale University (2004-2010) Assistant Researcher, Institute Marine Sciences, Univ. of California Santa Cruz (2001- 2004) NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Environmental Studies, Univ. of California Santa Cruz (1998-2001) PhD: University of California Santa Barbara 1998 BA: University of California Berkeley 1992
Acting Professor of Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology, Faculty Director of Diversity, UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute
Molecular, Cell, & Developmental Biology Department, Genomics InstituteAreas of expertise: Biomedical Sciences, DNA, RNA, Proteins, Evolution, Genomics, Genetics, Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology, Stem Cells
Biography, Education and Training
My research involves using pluripotent stem cells from a variety of primate species and high throughput sequencing methods to study how genome evolution affects human development and disease. My lab is located in the Institute for the Biology of Stem Cells. With funding from NIH-NHGRI, we are exploring the mechanisms by which transposable elements lead to new gene regulatory programs important for the evolution of new traits. With funding from NIH-NIMH we are studying the role ... more »
Areas of expertise: Genomics, Evolution, Molecular Evolution, Population Biology, Genetics, Climate Change
Biography, Education and Training
BA, Mathematics and Biology, Brown University (2003)PhD, Genome Sciences, University of Washington (2008)Postdoc, Human Genetics, University of Chicago (2008-2010) Postdoc, Genetics, Stanford University (2010-2013)
Areas of expertise: Evolution, Genetics, Genomics, Population Biology, Microbiology
Biography, Education and Training
BS, Biology, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela (2000)MS, Ecology and Population Biology, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Caracas, Venezuela (2004)PhD, Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Emory University (2009) Postdoc, Genetics, Cornell University (2009-2010) Postdoc, Genetics, Stanford University (2010-2013)
Press Contact
Areas of expertise: Activism, California History, Digital Humanities, Cultural Studies, Epistemology, Feminist Studies, International and Global Affairs, War, Evolution, Data Studies
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