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Sociology Department
Department Web Site235 Rachel Carson College
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Rachel Carson College Faculty Services
Department Contact
76 records matched your search request.
Name | Phone | Dept./College | Title | Affiliation | Mail Stop | Last name | |
Deborah Gould | 831-459-5720 (office) | Sociology Department | Professor and Chair | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Gould Deborah |
Jessica Lawrence | 831-459-2831 | Sociology Department | Department Manager | Staff | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Lawrence Jessica |
E Melanie Du Puis | 914-773-3522 | Sociology Department | Professor, Emerita | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Du Puis E |
George W Domhoff | 831-429-1446 | Sociology Department | Distinguished Professor Emeritus | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Domhoff George |
Kyle Eischen | 831-459-4999 | Social Sciences Division | Assistant Dean | Staff | Division Of Social Sciences | Eischen Kyle |
Julie H Guthman | 831-459-2726 (office) | Community Studies Program | Distinguished Professor Emerita | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Guthman Julie |
Jennifer E Reardon | 831-459-1645 (office) | Sociology Department | Professor and Sociology Undergraduate Education Chair | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Reardon Jennifer |
Marcia Millman | 831-459-3516 (messages) | Sociology Department | Professor, Emerita | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Millman Marcia |
Julie Bettie | 831-459-3516 | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Bettie Julie |
Christie G Mccullen | Sociology Department | Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Mccullen Christie |
Miriam Greenberg | 831-459-3516 (msg) | Sociology Department | Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Greenberg Miriam |
Paul M Lubeck | 831-459-2906 | Sociology Department | Professor Emeritus | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Lubeck Paul |
Tina Moazezi Cossaboom | 831-459-4888 (voicemail only) | Sociology Department | Undergraduate Program Coordinator/Assistant Manager | Staff | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Cossaboom Tina |
Candace West | (831) 212-4736 cell | Sociology Department | Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | West Candace |
John Brown Childs | 831-459-3516 (message) | Sociology Department | Professor, Emeritus | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Childs John |
Dana Takagi | 831-459-3140 (office) | Sociology Department | Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Takagi Dana |
Pamela Ann Roby | Sociology Department | Professor, Emerita | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Roby Pamela |
Herman S Gray | 831-459-3715 (office) | Sociology Department | Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Gray Herman |
Hiroshi Fukurai | 831-459-3516 (message) | Sociology Department | Professor of Sociology and Legal Studies | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Fukurai Hiroshi |
Megan McNamara | 831-345-5510 | Sociology Department | Continuing Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | McNamara Megan |
Steven McKay | 831-502-7331 (office) | Sociology Department | Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | McKay Steven |
Helen Shapiro | 831-459-3432 (office) | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Shapiro Helen |
Craig Reinarman | Sociology Department | Professor of Sociology and Legal Studies Emeritus | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Reinarman Craig |
Colleen Kimberly Stone | 831-459-2653 (SOCY) | Sociology Department | Sociology Department Assistant | Staff | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Stone Colleen |
Rebecca A London | 831-459-5376 | Sociology Department | Professor of Sociology and Faculty Director Campus + Community | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | London Rebecca |
Madhavi Mohan Murty | 831-459-2757 | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Murty Madhavi |
Christopher Benner | 530-574-7585 (Cell) | Environmental Studies Department | Professor | Faculty | Environmental Studies | Benner Christopher |
Hillary L Angelo | 831-459-5314 | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Angelo Hillary |
Kyle Rod Galindez | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Galindez Kyle |
James Sirigotis | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Sirigotis James |
James Battle | 831-459-2638 | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Battle James |
Lindsey L Dillon | 831-459-1937 | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Dillon Lindsey |
Aida Mukharesh | Sociology Department | PhD Candidate | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Mukharesh Aida |
Kaylee-Allyssa Roberts Larson | Sociology Department | Doctoral Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Larson Kaylee-Allyssa |
Ankit Sharma | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Sharma Ankit |
William Guerrero | Sociology Department | Undergraduate Advisor & Academic Services Coordinator | Staff | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Guerrero William |
John R. Hall | 831-459-3518 | Sociology Department | Research Professor | Contractor | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Hall John |
Katharyne W Mitchell | 831-459-2919 | Sociology Department | Dean of the Division of Social Sciences | Faculty | Division Of Social Sciences | Mitchell Katharyne |
Leah Caren Hanson | 831-502-7036 | Sociology Department | Department Programs Coordinator | Staff | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Hanson Leah |
Wendy Martyna | 831-459-5493 (office) | Sociology Department | Lecturer, Continuing | Member | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Martyna Wendy |
Maria Betania Santos | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Santos Maria |
Camilla A Hawthorne | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Hawthorne Camilla |
Juan Pedroza | 831-459-4461 | Sociology Department | Associate Professor and Sociology Graduate Education Chair | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Pedroza Juan |
Derrick L Jones | 831-459-3516 (message) | Sociology Department | Lecturer | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Jones Derrick |
Robin C Gabriel | Sociology Department | Ph.D. Candidate | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Gabriel Robin |
Jaimie Morse | 831-459-3516 | Sociology Department | Assistant Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Morse Jaimie |
Cameron Hughes | Sociology Department | PhD Candidate | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Hughes Cameron |
Xiaochen Liang | Sociology Department | Phd Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Liang Xiaochen |
Koda Sokol | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Sokol Koda |
Les Guliasi | 8314593516 | Sociology Department | Researcher | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Guliasi Les |
Ki'Amber Thompson | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Thompson Ki'Amber |
Michaelanne Butler Hollis | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Butler Hollis Michaelanne |
Ja Bulsombut | Sociology Department | PhD Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Bulsombut Ja |
Elena Losada | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Losada Elena |
Naya Jones | 831-502-8157 | Sociology Department | Assistant Professor & Core Faculty in Global and Community Health Program | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Jones Naya |
Alma Esperanza Villa Loma | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Villa Loma Alma Esperanza |
Carrie Hamilton | Sociology Department | PhD Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Hamilton Carrie |
Mai Jalal Awad | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Awad Mai |
Rosa Maria Navarro | Sociology Department | PhD Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Navarro Rosa |
Alycia Ellington | Sociology Department | PhD Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Ellington Alycia |
Alicia Rose Riley | Sociology Department | Assistant Professor & Core Faculty in Global and Community Health Program | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Riley Alicia |
Claire Lawry | Sociology Department | PhD Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Lawry Claire |
James Karabin | Sociology Department | PhD Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Karabin James |
Dylan Robert Tarleton | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Tarleton Dylan |
Allen Magaña | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Magaña Allen |
Amy Marie Argenal | 831-459-3432 | Sociology Department | Assistant Teaching Professor of Community-Engaged Research and Learning | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Argenal Amy |
Mirella Guadalupe Deniz-Zaragoza | Sociology Department | Graduate Student | Graduate | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Deniz-Zaragoza Mirella |
Kat Heatherington | 831-459-3168 | Sociology Department | Graduate Program Coordinator | Staff | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Heatherington Kat |
Zoe Zhao | Sociology Department | Assistant Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Zhao Zoe |
Sanjay Barbora | 8314593140 | Sociology Department | Associate Professor | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Barbora Sanjay |
Ronald Weitzer | 831-459-3516 (message) | Sociology Department | Research Associate | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Weitzer Ronald |
Taylor Braswell | Sociology Department | Postdoctoral Scholar in Urban and Environmental Studies | Staff | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Braswell Taylor |
Joseph Klett | 831-459-2849 (message) | Sociology Department | Lecturer | Member | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | Klett Joseph |
John Lewis | Sociology Department | PhD Student | Graduate | No Mailstop | Lewis John |
Michael A. McCarthy | 831-459-4431 | Sociology Department | Director of Community Studies | Faculty | Rachel Carson College Faculty Services | McCarthy Michael |
Xiaowei Wang | Sociology Department | Visiting Assistant Professor | Faculty | Psychology Faculty Services | Wang Xiaowei |
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